We create our products for our animal & pest control technicians to use in the field. And, now you can be an expert too! Our baits are thick, handcrafted & tried n’ true. Each bait can withstand rain, dry weather, humidity & snow. Carefully formulated, you can expect our paste baits to draw specific animals in from afar. Pair them with our lures & trailing scents? Well, that’s a recipe for trapping success.
Squirrel Jelly
Thick & fruity, this will drive a squirrel nuts. Works even better for those crazy chipmunks.
Squirrel Butter
Nutty with notes of vanilla, drive them squirrels & munks right to your trap.
Woodchuck Salad
The garden fresh scent & taste of Woodchuck Salad is like heaven to groundhogs.
Rabbit Magic
Even finicky rabbits & bunnies will hop to this paste bait in your trap. Notes of fennel & anise.
Raccoon Jam
Satisfy a raccoon’s sweet tooth and into your live trap with Raccoon Jam paste bait.
Raccoon Candy
Raccoons LOVE sweets! The taste Raccoon Candy will have a coon in your trap in no time.
Skunk Buffet
A smorgasbord perfectly fit for a little stinky skunk.
Flattail Surprise
Castor & Beaver oil + a few secret special ingredients is irresistible to beavers.