Beavers are one of the largest rodents in the world. With a big paddle shaped tail they use to beat on the water to scare off predators or alert danger. They also have big orange teeth that grow throughout their lifetime. Also, they choose a partner for their lifetime as well. They breed in the winter and have their kits in the spring. Offspring stay with their mothers for 2 years to help build and maintain their lodges and usually leave before a new litter is born.
Beavers are primarily nocturnal and the oils from their glands help keep their fur waterproof. Identifying Beaver damage is fairly easy: look for presence of dams, plugged culverts, bridges or drain pipes that result in flooding fields; burrows in banks and levees; ornamental trees near ponds or water are fallen or damaged. Highways, crops & residential areas frequently flood because of beaver dams on ponds.
Flattails Surprise 4oz.
Castor and beaver oil + other special ingredients that a beaver will not pass by without investigating first.
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Flattails Surprise 1oz.
Castor and beaver oil + other special ingredients that a beaver will not pass by without investigating first.