Rodents are animals that are more like…pests. They also make a boat load of damage if we are not vigilant or preventative. That’s why we have a safe, natural remedy to keep mice, rats, roaches, spiders, squirrels and even raccoons from even getting into your space so you can just keep on truckin’. The good news about mice is that proactive prevention can be just the trick to a mouse-free home this season.
Pests & rodents can show up at the most inopportune time: when it starts to get cold out or when you just thought you winterized your RV, campers, boat, farm equipment, or summer home. These freeloading rodents sneak into your space, multiply, and create an infestation.
Damage from mice & rodents can be anything from chewed wiring in your car or campers, gnawing or grease marks on baseboards, mice nests built in your car or house vents & ducts, mouse urine ammonia smell & droppings.
Keep mice out of your house, keep mice out of your basement, keep mice outta your life for good!
Oh, PS, did we forget to mention that rats, spiders, roaches, ants, squirrels and raccoons all detest the smell of peppermint too? So, if you have these unwelcome rodents or pests in your space, Animal Control Products Rodent Repellent will take care of them too.
✦✦ Best Seller ✦✦
Rodent Repellent
Made of food grade, safe ingredients such as peppermint oil to deter and repel mice, rats, spiders, roaches and other pests from your space.
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