Woodchucks / Groundhogs

Woodchucks (AKA groundhogs) feeding & burrowing habits conflict with human interests. Farms, home gardens, orchards, nurseries, around buildings, and dikes are the targets of damage. Damage to crops such as alfalfa, soybeans, beans, squash, & peas can be costly and extensive. Fruit trees & ornamental shrubs are damaged by woodchucks as they gnaw or claw woody vegetation. Gnawing on underground power cables has caused electrical outages. Damage to rubber hoses in vehicles, like vacuum and fuel lines, has also been documented. Mounds of earth from the excavated burrow systems and holes formed at the burrow entrances present a hazard to farm equipment, horses, and riders. On occasion, burrowing can weaken dikes and foundations.

We got all you need to get those whistle pigs in your woodchuck trap so you can get back to livin.

✦✦ Best Seller ✦✦

Woodchucks Deluxe
Food-grade paste bait & trailing scent lure for trapping Woodchucks & Groundhogs in your dang ol’ garden, crops & fields.

Groundhog Heaven
Liquid trailing lure for trapping Woodchucks & Groundhogs from afar.

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